The shades make the design dream

Sensuous bathroom experience: Colorful, perfectly finished, perfect for all-round wellbeing

Colors have an effect on our bodies and our psyches. They influence our sense of wellbeing – often unconsciously. We only notice how important they are to our mood when they’re missing. What do you long for on a gloomy, foggy day? What sound would you take with you to a desert island? That’s exactly what it should be when you design your bathroom. It is, after all, a sanctuary. It's where you can enjoy precious time to yourself. A fragrant bath or a gently massaging shower are sensuous experiences that make you more mindful and aware of your surroundings. Which nuance you choose should therefore depend on your personal feel-good factor.

Perfect contrast: Anthracite and Brushed Bronze
A dream in anthracite: The elegant brushed bronze of the faucet really comes into its own thanks to the strong contrast.

Colors and their effects

Color therapy shows us: Every shade has its own special effect. This is also true in the bathroom:

  • Blue stands for water, a classic in the bathroom. It feels harmonious and calm – but also cool. With a touch of yellow, it turns into stimulating turquoise. Blue lends width to small spaces.

  • Green represents the freshness of nature: perfect for a healthy balance between relaxation and vitality. The bluer the tone, the calmer the room.

  • Gray feels purist, businesslike, technical. Although it itself is neutral, gray makes every other tone shine. This makes it ideal as a combination color.

  • Black, elegance and darkness. It is unfathomably beautiful, but can feel oppressive. Used sparingly, black is elegant and classy.

  • Brown has a balancing effect and conveys a feeling of security. Warm earth tones such as ocher or sienna turn your bathroom into a natural space of wellbeing.

  • White is pure and clear – but also unapproachable. White is the perfect color for combinations. It neutralizes, brightens, invigorates, and gives you every possibility in design.

Which color is the right one for your bathroom? You decide

The choice of shades for walls and floors alone is huge – and that’s not all. In addition to sanitation objects and furniture, faucets can also be different colors. Choose between black, white, gold, bronze, or the “classic” chrome. The possible combinations are almost endless. With a cohesive color concept that incorporates your entire bathroom, you can design your personal dream oasis. ​​​

Tone on tone with deliberate accents

At their core, colors work tone on tone or as a contrast. Choose pleasant basic colors. Play with nuances. Delicate pastel shades form a beautiful contrast to dark surfaces. Deliberately set accents with signal colors like red and yellow. Black faucets and sanitary furniture are currently very popular. They can be combined wonderfully with muted tones on walls and floors.

The personal feel-good factors of color and finish 

The deciding factor is what makes you feel good: What do you like to surround yourself with? You should also think about the look and feel of the surfaces. The finish will help shape the atmosphere of a room – whether through special finishes on walls and floors or custom surface designs that showcase the faucets. The important thing is a harmonious blend that can turn your bathroom into an oasis of peace and relaxation.

Frequently asked questions about color for the bathroom

Why is there a “right” color for the bathroom?

Colors have an effect on us – physically and psychologically. To ensure your bathroom is a pleasant space for you, choose “your” colors carefully.

What are the most popular bathroom colors?

Blue, green, earth tones, white, black, gray and metallic tones are popular. Signal colors like yellow or red are suitable for accents.

Are there also colorful faucets?

Of course! In black, white, gold, bronze, or the “classic” chrome – including custom surface designs.

What effect does which color have?

Each has its own effect. Only the harmonious interplay of all the shades will create a harmonious spatial experience.

What color is in vogue for the bathroom?

Trends come and go. The decisive factor is which one contributes to your feel-good ambiance.

Cohesive design concept for your dream bathroom

​​​​​​​Whether elegant black, soft pastel shades, or a dream in white: Preferences are as varied as people themselves. What’s important is a cohesive overall concept – including color and finish. This will make your bathroom the dream you want it to be. Enjoy.

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